Thursday, November 7, 2013

So What Did Margie Say About.....CSI: Under a Cloud

The 11/6/13 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation episode titled "Under a Cloud" included the statement that a defense review is the worst part of the job.

Certainly there is some anxiety included with such reviews as everyone can think of something that they would like to go back and do again or just do the first time.  Every scene investigation can be improved but no one person is ever perfect.  If you follow standard operating procedures and take thorough notes with proper documentation, there should be no problems. 

I have had several defense reviews.  That is the nature of our business and certainly the defendant's right.  I have not had a problem.  I credit my training and documentation for that.

The worst part of the job for me is always the realization of what people are actually capable of doing to each other.  That I have a difficult time with.

Technically, I would love to talk to someone with a portable laboratory like was portrayed in the episode.  I have several questions.  Do you have to recalibrate the equipment every time you cross a speed bump, railroad tracks, or a pot hole?  Some of these instruments can be sensitive.  Do you have any interference when you gas up the vehicle?  Don't the gasoline fumes cause concern?  How did it do a complete DNA analysis in a matter of seconds??

Perhaps this expensive alternative is merely an initial and preliminary test which will later be confirmed at the laboratory.  Or maybe I'm out of touch with the most modern of technology!

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