Thursday, November 28, 2013

So What Did Margie Say About.....CSI: Girls Gone Wild

In the 11/27/13 episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation titled "Girls Gone Wild" technician Brody used two one dollar bills set at a ninety degree angle to photograph a shoe wear impression.  Obviously she didn't have her crime scene kit with her and used something at hand to give a relative size.   It is extremely important to include some type of scale when photographing either shoe wear or tire track impressions and it is standard operating procedure to abut them at a ninety degree angle at a corner of the impression.  But I think even she would have preferred something that would lay flat and not have all the crinkles and wrinkles that could/would create distortion.

It was interesting that she included something in the shoe wear photograph to use as a measuring tool but the tire tread pattern that was sent to the lab digitally did not show any sort of measurement at all.

Well, here is something that will measure up:
We all have many things to be thankful for so enjoy your day and be good to each other.

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