Tuesday, September 17, 2013

So What Did Margie Say About....NCIS: Damned if You Do

The 9/17/13 repeat NCIS episode titled "Damned if You Do" presented quite the dilemma to folks who believe that answers are all in black and white.

Some of the quotes from tonight's episode include:
"good people making bad decisions", "ruin a good pair of shoes to do what's right", "can't be held responsible for what you don't know", "take responsibility for actions", and "put all the secrets behind us and the honest man comes out on top".

I am reminded of the song Blurred Lines.  You know what you have been taught and you know what you believe in but does the world's rules always follow the true and narrow?  Do you at times have to make decisions that you don't like but know that in the long run it may be the best and most beneficial for the circumstances?

Anyone who is a position of authority or who has great responsibility knows that their career path is not paved in gold but often the pathway is full of ruts and mud.  You may be able to clean your shoes but does the smell ever really go away?  Is it true that the end justifies the means?

A lot to think about.  A lot to digest.  A lot to decide where you stand.

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