Wednesday, August 21, 2013

So What Does Margie Say About....NCIS: Shiva

The repeat NCIS episode on 8/20/13 titled "Shiva" clearly demonstrates why any investigator or supervisor too close to the crime should not be involved in any capacity with the investigation. 
Oftentimes the agency itself is eliminated from being the lead agency in the investigation.  In the Commonwealth of Virginia, a crime involving someone related to or part of a local law enforcement agency is usually handled by the Virginia State Police.
Even if the local agency investigator could remove his emotions from the circumstances, which is almost humanly impossible, the "smell test" won't be passed at court time.  Any defense attorney will go full tilt to show the jury how prejudiced and emotional the investigator is due to the ties to the victim.  The tie may be a direct relationship or just the result of working in the same agency as someone related to the victim.
Any investigator needs to keep an open mind and a level emotion.  I dare say that anyone with human empathy and compassion could not do this if the situation is just too close to home.
An overzealous investigator or supervisor is a detriment to a good outcome regardless of how pure the intentions are.
It is never a bad thing to ask for assistance, especially when the result is the ultimate truth.

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